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The Wife Image in Du Fu’s Poetry: A Combination of Earth Mother and Female Enchantress
作者 歐麗娟
Du Fu’s杜甫image of a wife in his poems is typically that of an old, thin, tender and charitable woman who silently sacrifices herself for her family in continual wandering and a never-ending struggle against poverty. She is modeled after mother earth, fulfilling the expectations of a woman to be both wife and mother. In a few poems, however, the wife is abstracted from her normal role in society and turned into a pure sex object, as observed through the male gaze. In these poems, which are written in the style of court poetry, the woman is objectified as a female figure whose sensual attractiveness arouses the poet’s primitive desires, and perhaps even feelings of erotic pleasure-the latter of which Confucianism has always carefully endeavored to avoid. Thus, the wife image in Du Fu’s poems is a combination of two conflicting extremes, mother earth and female enchantress. Du Fu thus moves between multiple gazes in his literary tradition, wherein implicit sexual differences and observational expediencies reflect the cold reality of gender politics.
起訖頁 35-70
關鍵詞 杜甫唐詩妻子形象月夜詩宮體詩Du FuTang poetryimage of wifemoonlit-night poetrycourt-style poetry
刊名 漢學研究  
期數 200806 (26:2期)
出版單位 漢學研究中心
該期刊-上一篇 名教與佛教--東晉沙門敬王論議中的「儒」「佛」交涉思維研究
該期刊-下一篇 「士人入仕」的再詮釋--柳宗元〈封建論〉的一個側面




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