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A New Interpretation of “An Official Pavilion at Xiangji Temple in Fucheng District”: An Example of the On-Site Study of Du Fu’s Zi Prefecture Poems
作者 簡錦松
杜甫曾作〈涪城縣香積寺官閣〉詩。涪城縣本屬唐劍南道綿州,大曆十三年(768)改隸梓州,梓州治郪縣今為四川省三台縣,官閣就在今「三台縣劉營鎮安寧區.涪城壩西南雲峰山腰」,熱區位置(Hot Point)為地理座標約北緯31°15'35.73',東經104°56'55.06',海拔約461米。雲峰山即古文獻之香積山。古人注釋詩篇,多採「玩味詩意」之法,杜詩各名家注對於本詩,莫不如此。1993年三台縣政府發現宋人「官閣摩崖」,筆者乃於2006年9月8日,以現地研究方法,加以考察,以全球定位系統(GPS)定位,以數位相機拍照,再結合Google Earth Pro衛星地圖資料庫,檢驗古代地理文獻的記載,確認此地為杜詩所詠之現場,並以各種現地條件,修訂古注,為〈涪城縣香積寺官閣〉一詩,作了新釋。
Du Fu 杜甫 composed a poem entitled “An Official Pavilion at Xiangji Temple in Fucheng District.” Up until the Tang dynasty, Fucheng District 涪城縣 belonged to Mian Prefecture 綿州, Jiannan Circuit 劍南道, but became a part of Zi Prefecture 梓州 in 778. Qi District 郪縣, where the government of Zi Prefecture was located, is today known as Santai County 三台縣 in Sichuan四川 Province. The official pavilion referred to in the poem was located on the slope of Yunfeng Mountain 雲峰山, south-west of Fucheng dyke 涪城壩 in the Anning district 安寧區of Liuying town, Santai County. It was situated at about 31°15'35.73' N, 104°56'55.06' E, at an elevation of about 461m. Yunfeng Mountain is referred to as Xiangji Mountain in ancient documents. Historical commentaries on poetry for the most part only ponder the meaning of poems, and the famous commentators of this poem were no exception. The “Rock Inscription at the Official Pavilion” dating from the Song dynasty was discovered by the Santai County government in 1993. I went there in September 2006 to study the site, checking its location with GPS and taking pictures with a digital camera. I consulted Google Earth Pro’s satellite map database, and in combination with an examination of ancient geographical records, I asserted that it is indeed the spot that was the subject of Du Fu’s composition. I subsequently made a new interpretation of the poem, correcting the traditional commentaries based on the conditions at the site.
起訖頁 99-126
關鍵詞 杜甫梓州官閣現地研究全球定位系統Du FupoetryZi Prefectureofficial pavilionOn-Site studyGPS
刊名 漢學研究  
期數 200909 (27:3期)
出版單位 漢學研究中心
該期刊-上一篇 《維摩詰經》的圓頓法門--從無住本立一切法
該期刊-下一篇 陽明後學與利瑪竇的交往及其涵義




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