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The Imperial Imagination in Depictions of Journeys by Horse and Carriage in Han Dynasty Stone Reliefs
作者 吳旻旻
Depictions of journeys by horse and carriage (車馬出行圖) are one of the most common types of stone relief found in Han dynasty tombs. Past scholars studying these artworks have analyzed them in several ways. For example, the number and fittings of carriages in the reliefs have been compared to those in the “Records of Carriages and Clothing 輿服志” section of the Book of the Later Han 後漢書 to try to ascertain the socioeconomic class of the tomb’s occupant. The placement and positions of figures and other elements in the scenes depicted in the stone reliefs have been analyzed to infer the functions of the carriages and horses. It has also been held that the images in the stone reliefs reflect social life during the Han dynasty. This article discusses the pros and cons of previous analyses, and points out that, although they are mortuary artworks, the stone reliefs reveal characteristics of the desires of the living, and possess a strong political and imaginative flavor. With an increasing number of Han tombs and their stone reliefs excavated, scholars are in increasing agreement that most of the tombs belong to low-level officials or civilians. However, the common types of mortuary artworks, including depictions of journeys by carriage, depictions of obeisance in a storied building (樓閣拜謁圖), and depictions of wars between Hu and Han (胡漢戰爭圖), usually portray the lives of high-level officials. These artworks not only depict aspects of material life but also imply abstract ideology; this article proposes that the practical aspect of the themes selected for depiction in Han stone reliefs reveals a characteristic “imperial imagination.” This interpretation was arrived at by analyzing from a visual perspective those artworks depicting journeys by horse and carriage. The pictorial language of these reliefs expresses the symbols of a strong and robust empire as well as the ideology of aspiration for political position. They also reflect the fact that the conception of empire was built upon the administrative and legal systems of prefectures and counties. The article concludes with an explanation of the factors of the imperial imagination present in the stone reliefs in Han dynasty tombs.
起訖頁 1-39
關鍵詞 畫像石漢墓車馬出行圖漢代帝國想像stone reliefsHan tombdepictions of journeys by horse and carriageHan dynastyimperial imagination
刊名 漢學研究  
期數 201012 (28:4期)
出版單位 漢學研究中心
該期刊-下一篇 謝靈運山水詩的成因及其美學分析




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