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Legacy of the Qing Loyalists: The Publication of Canghai Yiyinji and Purpose of Its Compilation
作者 林立
Compiled by the great modern ci 詞 scholar Zhu Zumou 朱祖謀, Canghai yiyinji 滄海遺音集 is a collection of writings by eleven Qing loyalist ci writers published in 1933 by Zhu’s most trustworthy disciple Long Yusheng 龍榆生. Compiled to serve as a form of remembrance of the fallen dynasty, its objective was also to preserve loyalist writings and establish a loyalist ci writers’ group. In the process of its publication, however, financial support also came from people from non-loyalist backgrounds, a phenomenon testifying to the fact that social boundaries were not always clearly demarcated. For Long Yusheng, who was entrusted with the task, the project also provided him with an opportunity to strengthen his social network and affirm his reputation in modern ci circles. Through the study of this collection’s publication process and purpose of its compilation, this article illustrates how different social groups in the early twentieth century worked together for a common literary project and why this collection is significant in modern ci history.
起訖頁 171-199
關鍵詞 滄海遺音集朱祖謀(彊邨)龍榆生清遺民Canghai yijinjiZhu ZumouLong YushengQing loyalistsci
刊名 漢學研究  
期數 201012 (28:4期)
出版單位 漢學研究中心
該期刊-上一篇 明朝與馬六甲王朝之關係:戰略前沿的建立和喪失
該期刊-下一篇 晚清報刊雜誌中小說讀者群體概念的形塑和消解




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