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篇名 |
並列篇名 |
A Study of the Effectiveness of Weight Loss Competition among Health Promoting Hospital Employees with Different Body Mass Index Levels |
作者 |
胡玉萍 |
中文摘要 |
目的:探討職場不同肥胖度之員工參加體重管理計劃之減重成效。方法:某健康促進醫院101年體重管理計劃招募身體質量指數(Body Mass Index BMI)≧20之員工,以自我導向方式參加減重競賽或體重自主登錄,本研究分析不同體位員工參加體重管理計劃體重、BMI、減重百分比之減重成效。結果:在101年體重管理計劃共602位參加,參加者86.7%為女性;平均年齡37.3±9.1歲,平均體重為61.3±10.0公斤;BMI23.7±3.2kg/m^2。計劃結束後平均-0.6±2.5公斤,BMI-0.2±0.9kg/m2,過重肥胖者減重成效優於標準體位。計劃參與週數及磅重次數較多者減重成效較佳。結論:在職場上推動員工自主性高減重競賽,具有正面成效,參與員工遵從性高可得到較佳的減重成效,但計劃內容及方式若能依職場員工之需求適度調整並增加誘因,健康體重管理計劃將可吸引更多員工的參與。 |
英文摘要 |
This study investigated the outcomes in a worksite weight loss competition among hospital employee with different body mass index levels. 602 completers (86.7% female; age=37.3±9.1; body weight=61.3±10.0kg) showed losing 0.6±2.5kg, BMI -0.2±1.0 kg/m^2. Participants achieved a clinically significant weight loss≥5% compliance to an intervention programme than the other group with weight loss≤5%.These results suggest that the worksite weight loss competition to prevent weight gain. Higher compliance to a programme were associated with weight loss outcomes. Employees in the workplace to promote self-directed weight loss competition has a positive effect. Employees get involved in high compliance better weight reduction results. The modified weight management program which to increase incentives will attract more employees to participate. |
起訖頁 |
95-104 |
關鍵詞 |
競賽、減重、肥胖、身體質量指數、Competition、weight loss、obesity、Body Mass Index |
刊名 |
彰化師大體育學報 |
期數 |
201509 (14期) |
出版單位 |
該期刊-上一篇 |
學校運動場館委外經營策略--以臺北市運動場館為例 |
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運動、營養與青少年的睡眠 |