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A Moderated Mediation Model of the Relationship between Post-Implementation Learning and IT Impact
作者 余鑑呂俊毅
為了解公部門實施公文線上簽核系統後公務員的學習情形及對系統使用效益之影響,本研究以導入後學習(post-implementation learning)觀點探討其對新資訊科技(Information Technology, IT)系統使用意圖及使用效益的影響,並以IT使用用途為中介變項,組織更新氣候為二階段調節與中介調節變項,了解其對導入後學習與IT使用效益間關係的影響;經問卷調查行政院各部會暨所屬機關公務人員,結果回收458份有效問卷,利用結構方程式分析,顯示導入後學習對IT使用意圖及使用效益有正向影響,IT使用意圖具有部分中介效果,但中介效果在高更新氣候與低更新氣候並無明顯不同,組織更新氣候則會對導入後學習與IT使用意圖間的關係有調節效果,但組織更新氣候在第二階段IT使用意圖與使用效益間之關係則調節效果不顯著;研究結果建議員工對於新系統應持續的學習,組織也應營造優質的學習環境並讓使用者能在良好系統的下工作以提升績效。
The study adopts the view of post-implementation learning to explore the impact of IT (Information Technology) learning on work for civil servants to use new system such as online signature system of electronic document and tries to find out how post-implementation learning effect IT usage and IT impact. This study focused on how IT usage mediates the relationship between post-implementation learning and IT impact. It also looked at how organizational climate for updating may moderate this mediated relationship. A sample of 458 respondents was gathered and the results indicated that post-implementation learning had positive impact on IT usage and IT impact. It also indicated that IT usage mediated the relationship between post-implementation learning and IT impact. In addition, organizational climate for updating positively moderated the relationship between post-implementation learning and IT usage. Finally, the study suggested that civil servants should continue to learn system use on workplace and the government should try to create a favorable environment for civil servants to learn new IT system.
起訖頁 131-162
關鍵詞 導入後學習IT使用意圖IT使用效益組織更新氣候中介調節post-implementation learningIT usageIT impactorganizational climate for updatingmoderated mediation
刊名 電子商務研究  
期數 201606 (14:2期)
出版單位 國立臺北大學資訊管理研究所
該期刊-下一篇 從價值共創到關係的形成:搜尋、經驗、保證服務的區別模型




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