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Identifying Critical Affecting Factors in the Adoption of Medical Device E-Procurement in Primary Health Care Institutions
作者 施霽峰王建富
Under the pressure of the National Health Insurance cost containment policy, it is very difficult for Taiwan’s district hospitals and primary care clinics to raise the NHI payment for the medical equipment and medicine. In order to create new business opportunities, expand the scale of sales channels, and reduce selling costs, the only solution is to take advantage of the information technology and system to redesign the sales and distribution mechanism. Therefore, it is a very important research topic about how to develop the third-party medical equipment e-marketplace, how to help primary care clinics improve operating performance, and enhance the entire industry’s competitiveness. This study attempts to explore the key factors influencing on the intentions of the district hospitals and primary care clinics to adopt the third-party medical equipment e-marketplace. A total of 28 valid questionnaires from modified Delphi method and analytic hierarchy process theory (AHP) are verified by samplestructure analysis, descriptive statistics analysis, reliability analysis, and analytic hierarchy process. The empirical results are as follows. Through literature review andthe opinions from the experts of the medical and pharmaceuticalindustry, this study concluded 6 dimensions and 20 criteria. It is found that the respondents are most concerned about the logistics service quality dimension and e-marketplace system dimension. From the criteria of these two dimensions, the following 5 criteria are considered most important by the respondents: (1) on-time delivery, (2) rapid response capability for prices, (3) delivery frequency, (4) full-featured ordering system, and (5) detailed and clear web pages for the product specifications and price.
起訖頁 385-407
關鍵詞 基層醫療院所第三方電子交易市集修正式德爾菲法AHP 層級分析法關鍵影響因素primary health care institutionsthird-party e-marketplacemodified Delphi methodanalytic hierarchy process (AHP)critical affecting factor
刊名 電子商務研究  
期數 201212 (10:4期)
出版單位 國立臺北大學資訊管理研究所
該期刊-上一篇 ERP輔導顧問能力指標系統建立之研究:動態能力觀點
該期刊-下一篇 擴充資訊系統後續使用模型:以公路防救災資訊系統為例之實證研究




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