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An Empirical Study of Logistics Industry Usage Mobile Commerce Acceptance
作者 湯宗益江啟惠
Due to the growing mobile technology and mobile devices can be ready on-line anytime and anywhere. To compare with electronic commerce, it has been the focuses of enterprisers’ attention while concerning about mobile commerce. Different from the traditional electronic commerce, the mobile commerce advances enterprises in efficiency and performance. The main purpose of this paper was to find and test the factors that affect the logistics industry using mobile commerce applications. The research integrated the technology acceptance model, and perceived risk, cost and compatibility, and portability of devices, system performance and user support, structure, frequency and user mobility research to investigate what affects the mobile commerce acceptance in the logistics industry. Two hundred and twenty-seven valid and returned questionnaires were received by post and delivering personally. After using SEM to analyze and the results show cost, perceived usefulness, portability of devices, frequency and user mobility had significant influence to user’s behavioral intention. Furthermore, user’s behavioral intention had significant influence to actual use. In addition, compatibility had not directly significant influence to user’s behavioral intention, but it had indirectly significant influence to user’s behavioral intention via perceived usefulness.
起訖頁 269-296
關鍵詞 行動商務科技接受模式創新擴散理論物流業mobile commercetechnology acceptance modeltheory of diffusion of innovationlogistics
刊名 電子商務研究  
期數 201209 (10:3期)
出版單位 國立臺北大學資訊管理研究所
該期刊-上一篇 社交網站安全且有效率之用戶隱私保護機制
該期刊-下一篇 虛擬品牌社群意識形成因素與影響效果




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