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The Study of Continuance Intention to Use Health Information Websites
作者 廖則竣郭溥淵陶蓓麗鍾儀君
隨著網際網路的普及,健康資訊對於現代人已越來越重要,網路上出現各種不同類別的健康資訊網站,這些氾濫的健康資訊網站已對於使用者產生了重要的影響。然而少有研究能根據理論基礎提出使用者對於健康資訊網站的學習動機。本研究以「期望確認理論」(expectation confirmation theory, ECT)為基礎,並透過整理學習動機的相關文獻,歸納出影響健康資訊網站持續使用意向之相關因素,期以提出一套能夠符合健康資訊網站情境的理論模式。本研究採用問卷法,蒐集到462份有效問卷,並以PLS最小平方法驗證研究模式內各變數間的因果關係。研究結果發現學習動機之任務價值(task value)對於使用者持續使用健康資訊網站具強大影響力;健康資訊網站品質也正向影響使用者持續使用之意向。研究結果對於理論面與實務面皆具有良好之啟示。
Continue learning has been an important reason for modern people to get progress, along by the popularity of the internet; the health information is getting more and more important for nowadays people. There are a lot of different kinds of health information in the internet, and these health information websites are becoming a heavy loading and significant influence for nowadays people. However, few of research can according to the basic studies, and provides a learning motivation on the health information website. In this study, based on the Expectation Confirmation Theory, and collected the reference of learning motivation, and formed factors of influent health information website users. This study conducts an online questionnaire survey and used Partial Least Squares approach to perform statistical analysis on 462 valid data. The result shows most hypotheses are significant besides the relationship between the satisfaction and continuance use health information websites. In addition to verifying the model of the study, the author also provides suggestions and views for the academic and practical aspects.
起訖頁 145-168
關鍵詞 健康資訊網站期望確認理論學習動機網站品質health information websiteexpectation confirmation theorylearning motivationwebsite quality
刊名 電子商務研究  
期數 201206 (10:2期)
出版單位 國立臺北大學資訊管理研究所
該期刊-上一篇 結論需求與組合順序對虛擬經驗組合之廣告效果影響
該期刊-下一篇 可抵擋登入記錄攻擊之圖形化通行碼的安全性與使用性分析




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