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A Study of IT Service Management Evaluation Checklist
作者 蕭瑞祥曹金豐李胤府
本研究以群體決策方法--德菲法,以發展企業「資訊服務管理(ITSM)評估檢核表」,將現有動輒上百項檢核項目的檢核表,經由領域相關專家學者的共識縮減成64項ITSM各流程最重要或最具代表性的檢核項目,較有利於組織迅速檢視其自身ITSM實作程度。本研究依據此檢核表,以實際個案公司,就組織、組織之客戶與專家三方的評估意見,提出「ITSM 實作程度之多方評估模式」,以期說明評估檢核表之實用性。本研究經個案實證研究結果,相較於僅有組織自評的意見,此模式確實呈現出較為客觀的評估結果,也利於做為組織後續ITSM改善活動的參考依據。
This research develops “IT Service Management (ITSM) evaluation checklist” of organization based on Delphi method, which is a group decision making technique. The evaluation checklist reduces usually hundreds of items in now existing ones to 64 which are the most important and representative ones in each ITSM process by collecting consensus of domain experts, and bring much more benefit to the organization for quickly checking its degree of implementation of ITSM. In terms of the ITSM evaluation checklist, this research collects opinions of three parties including organizations, the customers of organizations and experts, and then comes up with “multiple evaluation model for the degree of implementation of ITSM” so as to show the utility of the evaluation checklist. The outcome of the empirical case study indicated that the model comparing to the one that only collects the self opinions of organization indeed presents more objective results of evaluation and can be used for the follow-up improvement.
起訖頁 75-96
關鍵詞 資訊服務管理檢核表評估模式ITSMChecklistEvaluation Model
刊名 電子商務研究  
期數 201203 (10:1期)
出版單位 國立臺北大學資訊管理研究所
該期刊-上一篇 基於大眾意見分析所建置之擬人化剪報系統
該期刊-下一篇 探討網際網路對旅遊產品之經驗性屬性、搜尋與購買行為之影響




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