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Imagining Futurity: Taiwan Biobank, Taiwanese Genes as a Niche, and Nation-Building
作者 蔡友月李宛儒
This article analyzes the establishment and development of Taiwan Biobank in terms of the concept of an “imagined future community.” We argue that life sciences and social imaginaries of the futurity of scientists have played an increasingly important role in nation-building in the globalization era. First, this article examines the institutional conditions under which scientists’ imaginaries are able to be practiced. Since the democratizing decade of the 1990s, the Taiwanese government has established inter-departmental/inter-ministerial dialogue platforms, where internationally reputed scientists can join in decision-making processes regarding science and technology policy and exercise their influence by promoting innovative basic research of biomedicine, with a view to upgrading the national economy in the globalizing competition of the knowledge economy. Second, the advocacy of the notion of “Taiwanese subjectivity” in politics since the late 1980s has influenced the humanities, social sciences, and natural sciences. The human classification emphasizing Taiwanese identity (rather than Chinese identity) has shaped the knowledge-making of such scientific projects as Taiwan Biobank, in which the discourses of “Taiwan must have its own laboratory” and “Taiwanese unique genetic composition is characterized by its multiple ethnic origins” prevail. Also, the Taiwan Biobank aims to recruit national citizens and calls on “Taiwanese to work together for a healthy future generation.” This recruitment strategy and discourse, in turn, has the potential to build common imaginaries and emotions of Taiwanese as an imagined future community. Third, we argue that imaginaries of scientists are not purely scientific. The future imaginaries involved in scientific discourses are coproduced with identity politics in Taiwan and have obvious social and political implications.
起訖頁 109-169
關鍵詞 基因生物資料庫想像國族建構生物政治典範genebiobankimaginarynation-buildingbio-political paradigm
刊名 臺灣社會學  
期數 201612 (32期)
出版單位 中央研究院社會學研究所
該期刊-上一篇 人人有機會的「公平」世界:賽鴿公平性的社會建構與效果
該期刊-下一篇 簡介「計算社會學」:一個結合電腦與數位科技的新興社會學研究




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