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臺灣社區工作與社區研究學刊 本站僅提供期刊文獻檢索。

Research on the Supervision of Child Protection and the Development of New Social Workers' Professional Knowledge
作者 呂季芳郭俊巖
兒童及少年保護業務在社會工作實務領域中,是較為複雜且難處理的助人工作,其服務過程充滿諸多的挑戰和危險性,尤其對新進社工員更是倍感壓力和無助感。根據研究,兒少保督導若能發揮督導功能,對新進社工員的實務工作技能養成和因應工作困境,將有莫大的助益。因此,本研究旨在從兒少保督導功能和新進社工員專業知能養成的角度,來探討督導功能對新進社工員專業知能養成的充權,從中歸納新進兒少保社工員對督導制度的期待,以及督導者對當今督導制度的看法。為了達此研究目的,本研究採取深度訪法針對2 位督導及4位新進兒少保社工員進行質性資料的蒐集及分析。研究發現有如下幾項:1.教導新進社工保護性相關法令;2.督促新進兒少保社工掌握時效性;3.培養新進兒少保社工獨立撰寫公文;4.幫助新進兒少保社工網絡資源的整合;5.擔任新進兒少保社工網絡協調的橋梁。基於上述研究發現,本研究有如下幾點建議:1.定期辦理專業訓練;2.定期檢核督導機制;3.建構兒少保社工教育機制;4.督促建置資源地圖;5.建構網絡協調機制。
Children and teenagers protection is a more complicated and tricky helping work in the field of social work practice. The service process is full of challenges and risks, and novice social workers particularly suffer from heavy stress and sense of helplessness. According to the studies, if children and teenager protection supervisors can exert its function, it will be very beneficial to the cultivation of practical working skills and coping ability of novice social workers. Therefore, the main purpose of this study is to investigate the work dilemma faced by novice social workers and their need for assistance in guidance and counseling from the perspective of children and teenager protection supervisors, as well as novice social workers. This study also summarizes novice children and teenager protection social workers’ expectations towards guidance and counseling system and supervisors’ opinion on the current guidance and counseling system. To achieve the research purpose, this study conducted in-depth interviews to collect and analyze the qualitative data from 2 supervisors and 4 novice social workers. The research findings are as follows:(1)to teach new children and teenager protection social workers to protect the relevant laws and regulations; (2) urge new children and teenager protection social workers to grasp the timeliness;(3)cultivate new children and teenager protection social workers independently written documents; (4)to help the children and teenager protection social workers into the social network of social resources integration; (5) as a bridge between children and teenager protection social workers; this study proposed the following suggestions: (1) regular professional training; (2) periodic inspection of nuclear supervision mechanism; (3) constructing educational mechanisms for children and teenager protection social workers; (4) urge the establishment of resource maps; (5) construction of network coordination mechanism.
起訖頁 69-112
關鍵詞 督導功能充權督導制度督導機制Supervision functionEmpowermentSupervision systemSupervision mechanism
刊名 臺灣社區工作與社區研究學刊  
期數 201704 (7:1期)
出版單位 臺灣社區工作與社區研究學會
該期刊-上一篇 獨立倡導人投入長照服務因素與其問題解決方式之研究
該期刊-下一篇 臺灣區域醫院社會工作者工作負荷感受之研究




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