中文摘要 |
104年度食品藥物管理署(下稱食藥署)受理食品及相關產品輸入之總報驗數為640,003批,其中日本(148,189批)、美國(80,243批)及中國大陸(80,005)輸入者為前三大來源國,佔輸入總批數之48.2%。檢驗批數為50,149批,檢驗不合格者953批,檢驗不合格率為1.9% (檢驗不合格批數/檢驗批數 × 100),其中以農產品之農藥殘留為主要檢驗不合格項目。104年度輸入食品邊境查驗之結果,均作為依據「食品及相關產品輸入查驗辦法」及風險管控原則,針對違規紀錄較高之產品類別、來源國與風險因子,實施以較強之年度邊境查驗措施,另作為加強對輸入食品業者宣導事項。 |
英文摘要 |
In 2015, a total of 640,003 batches of imported foods were subjected to Taiwan Food and Drug Administration (TFDA) for import inspection. Japan, USA, Mainland China were the main countries of origin, of which 148,189, 80,243 and 80,005 batches were imported respectively. Among them, 953 batches were founded unqualified, with a non-compliance rate of 1.9%. The major cause of noncompliance was pesticide residues. The results of the 2015 import inspection provided valuable management information in determining the risk of different food categories, food origins and risk factors for import food control. |