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Foreign Relations and Moral Principles: The Northern Song Policy of Ceding Territory to the Tangut Xixia, 1086-1091
作者 方震華
A large-scale assault against the Tanguts launched by Emperor Shenzong神宗in 1081 led to a dramatic change in relations between the Northern Song and Tangut Xixia西夏. Despite capturing territory along the border, the attack failed to eliminate the Xixia regime. The following year, the Tanguts retaliated by commencing attacks along the frontier. For most Song officials who opposed Shenzong's expansionist policy, rapprochement with the Xixia seemed the only way to ease border tensions, and after Shenzong's death in 1085, a group of officials led by Sima Guang司馬光advocated ceding the newly occupied territory. They claimed that the occupation of Tangut lands lacked moral legitimacy, and that following moral principle is what primarily distinguished the Chinese from the barbarian Tanguts. After discussing the matter for a year, the Song court finally decided to relinquish four stockades to the Tanguts. However, this concession failed to satisfy the Tangut ruler, who after taking the four stockades demanded more territory. The Song court refused to make any further concessions, ending negotiations in 1091. The attempt to resolve the border conflict ultimately ended in a new military confrontation. By analyzing the background to this concessionist policy, this article attempts to explain why the Song court's concessions failed to accomplish their aim. The main reason, I argue, is that the Song officials believed they were morally superior, and considered their unsolicited concessions as a benevolent act that would be warmly received by the Tanguts. When the Tangut response failed to match expectations, most Song officials who had advocated the concessions considered them ungrateful and the two sides returned to military conflict.
起訖頁 67-91
關鍵詞 宋神宗司馬光宋代西夏夷夏關係Song ShenzongSima GuangSong dynastyTangut Xixiaforeign relations
刊名 漢學研究  
期數 201503 (33:1期)
出版單位 漢學研究中心
該期刊-上一篇 《漢書》與褚少孫《續補》關係探析
該期刊-下一篇 陳琳〈谿鳧圖〉之研究




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