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Translating the "Good Wife and Mother," Constructing a Women's Cultural Space, and Telling the Stories of Women's Lives: Shan Shill's "Women's Literature"
作者 羅秀美
Shan Shili's 單士釐 travel literature is well-studied, but her "women's literature" has yet to receive significant attention. Focusing on her women's literature," this paper examines the significance of Shan Shili's identity as a late-Qing/early Republican-era female intellectual. Firstly, she introduces to China the idea of the devoted wife and mother through her translations of Japanese books on women's education and home economics, which include Shimoda Utako's 下田歌子 Kaseigaku 家政學 and Nagae Masanao's 永江正直 Joshi kyoikuron 女子教育論. Secondly, she reconstructs the pedigree of Qing dynasty women poet s by editing catalogues of Qing Dynasty women's poetry, such as Qing guixiu zhengshi zaixu ji 清閨秀正始再續集and Qing guixiu yiwen lue 清閨秀藝文略. Besides this, as a writer, she tells the life stories of her female relatives in her work Yifan wenjian lu 懿範聞見錄. This paper delves into Shan Shili's rich and varied literary output, with the aim of understanding the significance of the well-bred lady's transformation into the modem female intellectual at the turn of the 20th century.
起訖頁 197-230
關鍵詞 近現代文學晚清文學女性文學知識女性單士釐modem literaturelate-Qing literaturewomen's literaturefemale intellectualShan Shili單士釐
刊名 漢學研究  
期數 201406 (32:2期)
出版單位 漢學研究中心
該期刊-上一篇 漢初百年(前206──前104)朔閏表得失論
該期刊-下一篇 王道之行,始於齊家--「滿洲國」大同時期家庭倫理思想論述




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