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Opening Up the Mountains and Pacifying Aboriginal Peoples in Late Qing Taiwan: A New Study-Plus an Analysis of Continuity and Change in 19th Century Taiwanese History
作者 林文凱
The policy of opening up Taiwan's mountain areas and pacifying the aboriginal people living there formed an important part of the so-called "Self-Strengthening Movement" advanced by Taiwanese officials in the late Qing. Past scholars frequently emphasize that this apparent break with the previous, relatively hands-off policy and its superficial links to late Qing socio-economic development in northern Taiwan imply modernization. However, this interpretation overlooks intrinsic policy continuities and the true connections with socioeconomic development. Taking the view that modernization relates to the nature of governing and the structural transformation of the relationship between state and society, this paper argue s that this enterprise did not change existing patterns of governing rationality and the indirect ruling relationship between state and society/subjects. Therefore, rather than ushering in Taiwan's modernization, it was in fact a continuation of earlier policies.
起訖頁 139-174
關鍵詞 晚清臺灣開山撫番近代化家產官僚制科層官僚制late Qing Taiwanopen up the mountains and pacify the aboriginal peoplemodernizationpatrimonial bureaucracybureaucracy
刊名 漢學研究  
期數 201406 (32:2期)
出版單位 漢學研究中心
該期刊-上一篇 二十世紀初日治臺灣和美屬菲律賓的農業知識交流──以臺灣新式牧牛業為例
該期刊-下一篇 漢初百年(前206──前104)朔閏表得失論




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