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A Rich and Interactive World of Meaning: Interpreting Ma Yifu's Theory of the Inter-Constitution of the Six Arts
作者 劉樂恒
Ma Yifu (1883-1967) was one of the founders of New Confucianism 新儒學. His basic ideas are embedded in his Theory of the Six Arts 六藝論, in which the Six Arts constitute a matrix of meaning that attempts to resolve the crisis of a loss of meaning in modern China and even human society in general. Upon this foundation, Ma Yifu develops his Theory of the Inter-constitution of the Six Arts, which presents the idea that the Six Arts exercise mutual control over each other. This paper analyzes Ma Yifu's treatment of Confucian education in the Six Arts and discusses the implications of his Theory of the Inter-constitution of the Six Arts, revealing its contemporary value.
起訖頁 247-278
關鍵詞 六藝論相互涵攝新儒學Ma Yifu 馬一浮Theory of the Six Artsinter-constitutionontological feelings and emergence (gan xing 感興)image observation (guanxiang 觀象)New Confucianism
刊名 漢學研究  
期數 201312 (31:4期)
出版單位 漢學研究中心
該期刊-上一篇 務窮後世之變--論潘耒《類音》的音學思想與設計理念
該期刊-下一篇 客語抱怨行為的性別差異




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