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Aphorism, Rhetoric, and Preaching: A Metasememic Analysis of Alfonso Vagnoni's 'Pixue'
作者 林熙強
This paper presents a thorough scientific analysis of ”Pixue” (”The Science of Comparison”, 1633), a rhetorical work written by the Italian Jesuit Alfonso Vagnoni 高一志 (c. 1568-1640), according to a neo-rhetorical treatise, ”A General Rhetoric” (1981) by Group μ. In the introduction to his late-Ming text ”Pixue”, Vagnoni illustrates ten kinds of comparison in the form of religious aphorisms. As Group μ concisely notes in ”Poetics and Rhetoric,” the introduction to ”A General Rhetoric”, that ancient rhetoricians have a ”mania for naming” and these endless nomenclatures have been the evident sign for rhetoric's decline. Rhetoric, in Group μ's sense, merits being called a science and falls within the cope of structuralism and semiotics. For this reason they rethink rhetoric in structural terms and formulate a new classification of metaboles: metaplasms, metataxes, metasememes, and metalogisms. By means of structural analyses, this paper deals with the nucleus of a rhetorical comparison, that is, how and why the ”adduced term” (the visible) can be used to clarify the ”solicited term” (the invisible). In the structural linguistic sense, this rhetorical question relates to the alternation of expressions and contents of lexemes, and consequently it must also be taken as a semiotic question.
起訖頁 69-102
關鍵詞 高一志格言譬喻列日學派語義辭格Alfonso VagnoniaphorismtropeGroup μmetasememe
刊名 漢學研究  
期數 201309 (31:3期)
出版單位 漢學研究中心
該期刊-上一篇 御筆、御筆手詔與北宋徽宗朝的統治方式
該期刊-下一篇 政治書寫與歷史衍異--清代臺灣寧靖王與五妃題詠現象及其詩作論析




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