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The Concepts of Dao and Wu in Fang Yizhi's Commentary on the 'Zhuangzi'
作者 鄧克銘
In recent years, Fang Yizhi's 方以智 relationship to the ”Zhuangzi” 莊子 has greatly interested scholars. Fang reinterprets the ”Zhuangzi” from a unique viewpoint and is highly critical. His commentary connects Confucianism, Buddhism, and Daoism, and deals with many themes. This paper intends to explore Fang's amendment and reappraisal of the ”Zhuangzi”, especially with regard to the concepts of dao 道 and wu 物.Fang Yizhi advocates the view that ”material itself is the dao” and describes the different qualities of the dao in traditional terms such as xin 心, qi 氣, Ii 理, ziran 自然, and taiji 太極. At the same time, he insists that it is necessary to thoroughly examine the regularity of the Myriad Things (萬物wanwu) in order to grasp the ineffable significance of the dao. Generally speaking, Fang's way of expressing his arguments is not quite the same as that used in traditional scholarship, and possesses special connotations. The author explains the characteristics and grounds of Fang's interpretation as set out in his commentary on the ”Zhuangzi”, and evaluates his achievements in order to both understand his scholarly contribution and identify related problems.
起訖頁 1-29
關鍵詞 方以智莊子Fang Yizhi (方以智)Zhuangzi (莊子)dao (道)Wu (物)qi (氣)
刊名 漢學研究  
期數 201309 (31:3期)
出版單位 漢學研究中心
該期刊-下一篇 御筆、御筆手詔與北宋徽宗朝的統治方式




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