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Bai Juyi's 'Chu Chu Lantianlu Zuo': An On-Site Study and New Interpretation of the Lantian Section of the Shangzhou-Wuguan Road during the Tang Dynasty
作者 簡錦松
唐代商州武關驛路,是全國重要驛路之一,僅次於京洛驛路。藍田段大部分走在秦嶺北梁的稜線上,是全程中最艱險且最具特色的一段。古代文獻偶談至此,多不能明。本文以唐詩現地研究方法,親至現場考察,發現藍田縣薛家村經六郎關村到藍橋的山道,應即唐代驛路的後身。乃以GPS定位技術結合Nikon專業相機拍攝,與Google Earth Pro衛星地圖作業,重新呈現了這條路線。唐代詩人中,韓愈、張籍、元稹、白居易等許多詩人都曾描寫過這條驛路,其中以白居易〈初出藍田路作〉和韓愈〈南山詩〉最為重要,而〈初出藍田路作〉言簡意賅、首末分明,尤為研究此驛路的首選。本文以逐句詮釋的方式,藉由句句解釋白詩的過程,將關於本段驛路的所有考察成果,呈現於其中。
The Shangzhou-Wuguan Road 商州武關驛路 was one of the most important roads in Tang dynasty, second only to the Jingluo 京洛 road. The Lantian 藍田 section was the most dangerous and distinctive section of the entire road, the greater part following the ridge of the northern Qinling 秦嶺 Mountains.Although it is occasionally mentioned in ancient documents, they lack clarity. For this paper, an on-site study is made, which ascertains that the mountain track connecting Xuejia village 薛家村 to Lanqiao 藍橋 via Liulangguan village 六郎關村 in Lantian county 藍田縣 was in fact once the Lantian road referred to in Tang poetry. A combination of a Nikon professional camera, Google Earth Pro satellite mapping, and GPS positioning technology allows this road to be visualized again.Many Tang poets, such as Han Yu 韓愈, Zhang Ji 張籍, and Bai Juyi 白居易 described the Lantian road in their poems. The most significant of these poems are”Chu chu lantianlu zuo” 初出藍田路作 by Bai Juyi and ”Nanshan shi” 南山詩 by Han Yu. The former was chosen as the main reference for studying this road as it is more concise and has a clear sequence. This paper presents the research findings in the context of a line-by-line analysis and reinterpretation of Bai's poem.
起訖頁 167-204
關鍵詞 唐詩現地研究白居易商州武關驛道藍田秦嶺Tang poetryon-site studiesBai Juyi 白居易Shangzhou-Wuguan 商州武關 roadLantian 藍田Qinling 秦嶺 Mountains
刊名 漢學研究  
期數 201203 (30:1期)
出版單位 漢學研究中心
該期刊-上一篇 說趨向詞「上」與「下」的用法——從上古至中古
該期刊-下一篇 十六世紀文壇中的宗教修養——屠隆與王世貞的來往(1577-1590)




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