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The Artisan and the Sage-King: The Two Modalities of Mysticism in the 'Huainanzi'
作者 陳景黼
Recent academic studies of Daoism in the ”Huainanzi” 淮南子 are mostly concerned with cosmology and politicization. Through analysis of metaphors, this paper discusses the two modalities of the Dao in the ”Huainanzi”. The first modality is represented by the relationship between the artisan and his work. The artisan masters his techniques through constant practice and in the process reaches the state of 'supreme spirit,' when his subjectivity merges with the praxis. The second modality is the sage-king, who through internal cultivation gains total control over his mind and is not distracted. In this process, the law of things naturally emerges in his mind and he is then able to extend this capacity into the world. With this lucidity, he can always properly take care of matters. These two modalities, one fixated upon on one specific object, the other who extends his mind into the world, represent the two types of Dao in the ”Huainanzi”.
起訖頁 27-60
關鍵詞 淮南子工匠技藝聖王'Huainanzi' 淮南子artisancraftssage-kingDao道
刊名 漢學研究  
期數 201203 (30:1期)
出版單位 漢學研究中心
該期刊-上一篇 先秦儒學的聖、智之德——從孔子到子思學派
該期刊-下一篇 聰聖、聞思與音樂——論耳修在工夫論上之殊勝




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