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The Establishment of the Western Han 'Yao hou de' Doctrine
作者 張書豪
This paper uses textual analysis to try to recover the process by which the Yao hou huo de堯後火德doctrine was established. The research concludes that this doctrine is not merely a combination of the Iwo claims that the Western Han dynasty were the ”descendents of Emperor Yao” and ”holders of the virtue of fire.” The claim that the Han imperial family were Yao's descendants can be divided into two aspects: first, the fated passing down of state power to the Han, first mentioned by Sui Hong 眭弘; and second, the dating back by Liu Xiang 劉向 of the pedigree of the Liu 劉 family surname to the early Warring States period, and later confirmation by scholars that the bloodline could indeed be traced back to the Emperor Yao. The claim declaring the Han as ”holders of the virtue of fire” can also be traced to Liu Xiang, who remolded Zou Yan's 鄒衍 earlier doctrine. This refers to a schema in which each successive dynasty was associated with one of the five elements. Finally, it was Liu Xin 劉歆 who later combioed the two claims together in the Yao hou huo de doctrine. The main references for the construction of this doctrine by Confucian scholars can all be found in the Shi ji 史記.
起訖頁 1-27
關鍵詞 眭弘劉向劉歆史記左傳西漢Sui Hong眭弘Liu Xiang劉向Liu Xin劉歆Shi ji史記Zuo zhuan左傳Western Han
刊名 漢學研究  
期數 201109 (29:3期)
出版單位 漢學研究中心
該期刊-下一篇 通、江兩攝的方言接觸與元音重配--以《經典釋文》反切注音為主




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