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The Choices Made by Poetry Groups: An investigation of the Reasons for the Early Qing Resurgence of Ci Poetry
作者 許嘉瑋
Based on an analysis of existing research, this paper aims to clarify Past scholarly opinion on the reasons behind the Qing resurgence in ci 詞 writing. Reflecting on what has been written about the influence of the political environment on literature, I attempt to explain why, although literature can potentially he a response to political realities, it would be inadequate to say it is merely a vassal of politics. Examining three famous incidents that occurred in the early Qing, we find that these examples of the Qing court's attempts to tackle the maladies of the imperial examinations, the economy, and coastal defense that it had inherited from the Ming, were in fact a reflection of general government policy, and not targeted specifically at the Jiangnan 江南 area; if it were just Jiangnan that had been singled out, then why refer to a general ”resurgence” in ci poetry? Secondly, the forming of literary friendships in the late Ming established a network of ci poetry groups, indicating the extra-political choices made within such groups, and we find that exchanges of poetry became an important vehicle for forming associations. These exchanges facilitated the propagation of ci in a similar manner to banquets held during the Tang and Five Dynasties periods, where the practice of exchanging poems at these crowded gatherings fostered a creative atmosphere. The large increase in the quantity of works generated by these activities also stands as proof of the resurgence. Finally, this paper specifically discusses the formation of ci writers' groups around literary activities such as anthologies, critiques and poetry exchanges, examining the evidence for a shift in the focus of such activities from politics to literature around the time of the dynastic change. In the interplay between so-called turncoat officials, Ming loyalists, and new aristocrats, Qing dynasty ci circles appeared to cross boundaries of identity and region, and the proliferation of theories and works signify a large number of motivating factors influencing the development of literature; however, the choices made by such poetry groups were perhaps even more significant than the various political and economic factors.
起訖頁 307-336
關鍵詞 清初結社選集評點遺民early Qingci 詞association-forminganthologycritiqueloyalists
刊名 漢學研究  
期數 201106 (29:2期)
出版單位 漢學研究中心
該期刊-上一篇 宋代士大夫歌詞特質形成之內在動因與歷史心理--以歐陽修詞「互見」與「艷情」問題為中心
該期刊-下一篇 劍橋中國文學史




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