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The Construction and Meaning of Textual Space in Qianzai Jiaju
作者 曹淑娟
A large number of compilations of fine couplets excerpted from Chinese poetry were made in Japan during the Heian 平安 period. Of these collections, Qianzaijiaju (千載佳句 A Thousand Years of Fine Verse), compiled by Ooeno Koretoki 大江維時, was arguably the most influential. This collection comprises over 1000 couplets compiled from the work of 153 Tang dynasty poets arranged into categories, establishing a new system of categorization. I believe that the selection and categorization of the material in this collection reflects the variety of experiences that the literati of the time saw and felt through poetry reading. As their knowledge of Chinese poetry deepened, Japanese readers began to shift their focus of their reading from questions of the author's identity or genre differences, to a critical reading of the life circumstances involved in the poems. Then, by reorganizing the couplets into a two-level category structure, these literati constructed textual spaces that encapsulated their experiences of everyday life. As a poetry collection, Qianzai jiaju had both predecessors and successors during the Heian Period, and so played a role that demonstrates the interactions of identity and coexistence that took place in the process of Sino-Japanese cultural exchange.There are four sections in this article. In the first section, a literature review of poetry compilation in the early and middle Heian Period is provided, showing the new direction of Qianzai jiaju's system of categorization. The second section discusses how Qianzai jiaju constructs a textual space reflecting daily experience through its two-level categorization. The third section explores the significance of using the couplet as the unit for compiling these collections of Chinese verse. In the final section, Bai Juyi's 白居易 verses, which were regarded as a model of fine verse in poetry collections, will be used as examples demonstrating the perspective of readers in Heian period Japan.
起訖頁 19-51
關鍵詞 千載佳句秀句集漢詩中日交流日本Qianzai jiaju千載佳句fine verse collectionsChinese poetrySino-Japanese exchangeJapan
刊名 漢學研究  
期數 201106 (29:2期)
出版單位 漢學研究中心
該期刊-上一篇 「重寫文學史」導論--「經典性」重構與中國文學之新詮釋
該期刊-下一篇 從「搜奇獵異」到「休明之化」──由朱之蕃看晚明中韓使節文化書寫的世界圖像




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