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Under the Shadow of “Claims To Standardization”: Pilgrimage to Yaji Shan, Beijing, 1696-1937
作者 徐天基
通過碑刻、地方志、筆記小說、民間故事材料的比對分析,本文勾勒1696年至1937年北京ㄚ髻山進香的變遷史,並作一人類學之考察;皆在用個案形式反思並回應華琛等人開創的「標準化」議題。從而提出「標準化」的事實與「聲稱標準化」的說辭應加以區分。縱觀丫髻山進香史,「聲稱正統」和「聲稱標準化」的實踐從未斷絕;相較之下,「標準化」的事實卻帶有極大的不連續性。權力等級的各個層次共同營造了一個「正統與標準化的帷幕」,貫穿於丫髻山的歷史中。皇室成員、權貴、婦女、旗人、漢人、香頭、香會等各個不同社會群體都介入丫髻山此一「闡釋的場域」(interpretive arena)中,用不同話語表達對於丫髻山進香的理解;甚至在誤識的基礎上,共同造就了一個「標準化的帷幕」。其在此過程中,由二律背反的兩種力量共同打造,一種是權力等級中高位自上而下的推廣,一種是低位自下而上的塑造,兩相作用,又都「聲稱正統」。正是在此一「標準化帷幕」之後,各個社會群體間永無止境的動態博弈和話語交融才得以發生;而共同編織了其實的中國宗教圖景。
This article takes an interdisciplinary approach to the history of pilgrimage to Yaji Shan in Beijing from 1696 to 1937. Through the comparative analysis of stele inscriptions, local gazetteers, literary sketches and oral stories, it attempts to reflect on James L. Watson’s theories of orthopraxy and standardization by delineating the historical changes to Yaji Shan over two hundred years. I argue that substantive standardization and adherence to orthopraxy should be distinguished analytically from claims to standardization and adherence to orthopraxy, and that the case of pilgrimage to Yaji Shan indicates the latter rather than the former. In contrast to the substantive standardization, there was a consistent thread running through such claims. It is under the shadow of "claims to standardization and orthopraxy" that different voices could reverberate with one another and blend into one another.
起訖頁 59-113
關鍵詞 丫髻山娘娘(碧霞元君)王二奶奶四大門進香標準化的帷幕Yaji Shan Niangniang (Bixia yuanjun)Granny WangFour Sacred Animalspilgrimageclaims to standardization
刊名 中央研究院近代史研究所集刊  
期數 201406 (84期)
出版單位 中央研究院近代史研究所
該期刊-上一篇 清代庫倫商卓特巴衙門與商號
該期刊-下一篇 經濟危機中的中國捲煙市場(1931-1936)




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