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Taiwan: Autonomous Polity, Island belonging to China, or Something Else?—On U.S. Policy toward Taiwan as revealed in Kerr’s Formosa Betrayed
作者 陳儀深
葛超智(George H. Kerr,1911-1992)的著作《被出賣的台灣》(Formosa Betrayed)一書,一方面傳達他對戰後台灣的觀察,特別是對二二八事件的見證;一方面陳述他對台灣國際地位(未定)的看法以及對美國對台政策的批判。該書揭露台灣如何「被出賣」的敘事,包括:1945年美軍如何護送中國部隊進入台灣、1947年美國政府對台灣二二八事件的殘酷鎮壓「保持中立」等等。其次,葛超智也注意到1949年美國軍方不同意國務院的「拋蔣棄台」路線,以及1950年國務院在韓戰發生以後對台灣地位認知的轉變。本文認為葛超智對台灣問題的深入認識其來有自,除了曾在台北擔任英文教師(1937-1940)外,他從1942年到1947年在Far Eastern Survey陸續發表了五篇文章,很像人類學者或社會學者的「參與觀察法」或「持續觀察法」。本文認為葛超智所關切的不僅只是二二八事件中的是非或美國某一任政府的對錯,而是1940到1960年代冷酷的國際現實之下台灣人的苦痛。不過,從已經解密的美國外交檔案可以看出,當時美國國務院對台海情勢的充分掌握以及決策過程的多面性、矛盾性,吾人不難從中體認戰後台灣命運之所以然。
George H. Kerr (1911-1992) published ”Formosa Betrayed” in 1965. He had served in the Japan-Manchuria Branch of the US Military Intelligence Services during the Second World War, participated in planning for the occupation of Taiwan, and was the U.S. Deputy Consul in Taiwan when the ”February 28 Incident” of 1947 erupted. ”Formosa Betrayed” expressed his observations of post-war Taiwan on the one hand, and his views on the international status of Taiwan (undetermined) as well as his criticisms of U.S. policies towards Taiwan on the other. The book became a sort ”Bible” for numerous overseas Taiwanese youths in their move toward Taiwan independence. However, only now with newly available archives can we check the accuracy of Kerr's account. This article maintains that Kerr possessed a profound understanding of Taiwan's issues based on personal experience and a scholarly approach of ”participant observation” or ”continuous observation.” Kerr not only wished to evaluate the February 28 Incident and U.S. policy, but also to give voice to the sufferings of Taiwan's people under the cruel international circumstances from the 1940s to the 1960s.
起訖頁 133-156
關鍵詞 葛超智(柯喬治)《被出賣的台灣》台灣地位台美關係卜睿哲George H. Kerr'Formosa Betrayed'Taiwan's statusTaiwan-U.S. relationsRichard C. Bush
刊名 中央研究院近代史研究所集刊  
期數 201403 (83期)
出版單位 中央研究院近代史研究所
該期刊-上一篇 傳統佛寺的近代轉型:民國泰縣光孝寺培安和尚個案研究
該期刊-下一篇 國家的內卷化




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