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中央研究院近代史研究所集刊 本站僅提供期刊文獻檢索。

Foes or Allies: Merchants and Political Parties in the Canton-Hong Kong Strike of 1925
作者 李達嘉
In support of the May 30 Movement of 1925 in Shanghai, the Chinese Communist Party (CCP) instigated the Canton-Hong Kong strike in June. The labor movement then expanded in the wake of the Shameen Incident. This caused Canton and Hong Kong to impose economic blockades against each other. The cooperation between the CCP group in Canton and Nationalist (Guomindang-KMT) government under the control of the KMT-Ieft worried the KMT- right, which reflected merchants' concerns over the economy. After the assassination of Liao Zhongkai, the KMT-right was weakened as the CCP urged the unity of labor and merchants while making concessions to merchants. Canton thus managed to break away from Hong Kong's interference and develop a degree of economic independence. After the coup of March 20, politics in Canton were to be changed drastically, when the position of both the CCP and the KMT-Ieft was threatened. In October 1926, when the Northern Expedition Army reached the Yangtze River area and was in great need of full support from all quarters, the CCP and the KMT-center decided to terminate their respective strikes. The CCP skillfully manipulated the tactics of the United Front in the Iight of the ever-changing political situation in Canton. This article offers an in-depth analysis of the complicated relationships among the political factions, workers, and merchants.
起訖頁 125-177
關鍵詞 省港罷工商人統一戰線國民黨中共Canton-Hong Kong Strikemerchantsunited frontGuomindang (KMT)Chinese Communist Party (CCP)
刊名 中央研究院近代史研究所集刊  
期數 201212 (78期)
出版單位 中央研究院近代史研究所
該期刊-上一篇 清季哈爾濱防疫領導權爭執之背景
該期刊-下一篇 重新思考章太炎與現代性:對汪榮祖教授的回應




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