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Exploring Why the Proposal of the Mukumuyu Ecological Cultural Scenic Area Failed
作者 陳怡安 (Ian Chen)盧道杰
慕谷慕魚自然人文生態景觀區是2005 年銅門社區組織向秀林鄉公所及花蓮縣政府陳情劃設,希望藉由劃設景觀區,能有法源依據控管漸漸失控的觀光現象,並藉此提升在地的經濟活動、保障當地就業機會。歷經數年的努力,卻在最後於部落召開說明會時,遭到部分族人的抗議及大力反對。審視這個由在地部落族人所提出的需求,但也是由在地族人出來抗爭反對,看似對在地有利且具法源效益的環境資源政策,或可歸納出幾個原因:公部門由上而下的計畫進駐、劃設過程不夠公開透明、資源的分配不均、部落內部長久的對立以及多重的派系、族人生存方式受到壓迫等。本個案提醒我們,未來公部門應對地方需求的計畫,應先對於在地脈絡有更多的了解,提高群眾的參與程度,資訊公開透明化,建立責信度的機制,並維持社會的公平公正,才能獲取在地民眾的支持,維持政策的良善性。
In 2005, the community organizations in Tong-men asked the Shou-lin Township Office and Hualien County Government to designate the Mukumuyu Ecological Cultural Scenic Area which might provide the legitimacy to regulate the out of control tourism and also promote economic activities and protect local job opportunities. Few years later, part of local residents protested. Regarding this Ecological Cultural Scenic Area which likes to benefit local community, the result summarized several reasons to explain why it was raised and protested by the local community. They are: the top-down approach for the governmental projects, lacking transparency in the planning processes, uneven resource distribution, internal fragmentation and opposition, conflicts with local livelihoods, etc. This case reminds that it needs to have more understanding on local context, promote local participation, transparent relevant information, develop a mechanism for accountability, and considering equality and equity. We thus could have local supports and maintain goodness of the policy.
起訖頁 65-81
關鍵詞 在地發展生態旅遊社區組織公眾參與自然人文生態景觀區local developmentecotourismcommunity organizationpublic participationEcological Cultural Scenic Area
刊名 台灣原住民族研究學報  
期數 201612 (6:4期)
出版單位 台灣原住民族研究學會
該期刊-上一篇 原民會主委的補助款?檢視「基本設施維護費」在原住民55 個鄉、鎮、市、區分配的實證分析
該期刊-下一篇 西拉雅一詞探源




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