中文摘要 |
政治學研究範式的新制度主義者認為:個體外顯的偏好與真實的偏好存在著距離,群體決策並非個體偏好聚集的結果,乃受群體決策的規則和方案的影響 (Immergut, 1998)。然而,個體認知與群體的互動,在半世紀以來心理學中的判斷決策領域中,已可嚴謹探討乃至實際驗證。 本文取徑微觀的判斷決策觀點,試圖研擬建構與詮釋解讀一較宏觀的公共事務管理(public affairs management, PAM)整合參考架構,嘗試對照E. Ostrom 所提出的體制分析與發展(institutional analysis and development, IAD)架構。以PAM及判斷決策之區塊解析與操作步驟,說明台灣三十年轉型變遷迄今較為忽略無視,仍然欠缺現代都會應具備的產業、人口、政策、管理、與媒體監督及民眾參與的高雄。再納入治理結構與情境條件一併考量後,提出高雄自由經濟示範區的風險治理與關鍵成功因素評估。 研究發現,以治理結構所涵括的替代方案、情境條件、與課題情勢、個體角色、事實價值、及人際聯結等的界定釐清,將有助於解析與掌握較為複雜爭議的公共領域課題事務,然仍須視所涉判斷部分的個體角色公共意識與決策部分的課題案例所位處的發展階段。 |
英文摘要 |
The mainstream view of new institutionalismin political science think that:the individual preference system is not the result decision of the group. It is because the result is the system of individual political preferences or the unsteady situation of private interests and the public interest (Immergut, 1998). However, the structure of individual and group interaction and interactive links of derivation structure are the keys which are able to be explored as well as real verifiable. This study presents reference architecture for establishing the macroscopic public affair management(PAM) on the base of microscopic judgment-decision approach. Meanwhile, the structures issued in this paper were compared with the structure of institutional analysisand development by E. Ostrom.Lack of media oversight and public participation within a modern city, how to define the governance structure and conditions as well as the risk governance and critical success factors of Kaohsiung Free Economic Pilot Zone were proved. The study finds that the definition of governance circumstances, individual roles, the value fact of interpersonal links and the situation conditions clarification will help to resolve and respond to public affairs.However, it’s still depends on the individual public awareness and decision-making part of the development stage.