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Homosexuals Tragedy and Spiritual Love: The Animal Image, Gender Politics and Symbolic Affect in Notes of a Crocodile and Last Words from Montmartre by Qiu Miaojin
作者 蔡知臻
臺灣從 1960 年代開始出現書寫同志主題的文學作品直至今日,相較於其他東亞國家(日本、韓國、中國),臺灣對同志議題與文學創作則是相對地開放而且豐富。邱妙津為華語世界的著名同性戀小說作家,其最具代表性的小說作品為《鱷魚手記》(1994) 以及《蒙馬特遺書》(1996)。本文選二書中的動物「鱷魚」、「兔兔」來探討其中對於同志情感以及純愛的象徵,並說明同志議題與文學所引發的性別政治問題。 本論文先討論《鱷魚手記》書中的鱷魚,牠以寓言故事的方式出現,有點滑稽、帶點可愛,加上牠的獨特性常被人注意、觀察,帶出同性戀於現在主流社會中是小眾的、特殊的一群,為何綠皮尖嘴就要受到異樣的眼光並被注視呢?且點出「鱷魚」背後敘事者表述了怎樣的同志悲歌及其象徵。再來討論《蒙馬特遺書》中的兔兔,一種從外表上不能直接分辨雌雄的動物,敘事者與其愛人的寵物代表了何種情感象徵及其意義並且將兩者動物意象加以比較與分析,完整指出邱妙津《鱷魚手記》及《蒙馬特遺書》中動物意象與情感象徵。而性別政治為一種權力結構關係,本文將指出小說敘事者如何藉由動物意象呈現同性戀在社會上的弱勢處境,凸顯在主流的霸權結構下,其情感與生活的困境及其對權力結構的控訴。
Qiu Miaojin is a lesbian writer, famous in the Chinese-speaking of the world, whose most representative works of fiction are “Notes of a Crocodile”(1994) and “Last Words from Montmartre”(1996). This essay selected the animal images of a “crocodile”and, “rabbit”to explore homosexuals’ tragedy and spiritual love , to explain gender politics in literature.
This paper first discusses the crocodile in “Notes of a Crocodile”, It appears in the fable, as; a little funny, a little cute, with its uniqueness, people often pay attention, to it, This is similar to homosexuals in mainstream society as a small minority, a special group. It is pointed out the “crocodile”behind the narrator expresses homosexuals’ tragedy and symbolism. Before we discuss the rabbit in the “Last Words from Montmartre”, it cannot be directly from the outside to resolution male and female animals, will be compared with the analysis of both the animal imagery, noted Qiu Miaojin complete “Notes of a Crocodile”and “Last Words from Montmartre”in animal image and symbolic affect. Gender politics is a power structure relations, this paper will point out the narrator how to presented by animal imagery homosexuality in society vulnerable situation in novel, highlighting in the mainstream hegemonic structure, the plight of their emotional life and its indictment of the power structure.
起訖頁 43-57
關鍵詞 邱妙津同性戀動物意象性別政治情感象徵Qiu MiaojinLesbianAnimal ImageGender PoliticsEmotional Symbol
刊名 臺中教育大學學報:人文藝術類  
期數 201706 (31:1期)
出版單位 國立臺中教育大學
該期刊-上一篇 政府藝文資料的開放與加值推廣
該期刊-下一篇 王邦雄先生休閒觀之詮釋:儒家面向的觀點




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