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The Research on Characteristics and intervention of Intimate relationship violence
作者 黃翠紋林淑君 (Shu-Chun Lin)
In order to implement the protection of victims and perpetrators' intervention, and the occurrence of major incidents of domestic violence prevention. Ministry of the Interior promoted 'Family Violence Safety Net plan' in 2009 and looked forward to combining resources, constructing a tight-knit network of prevention and treatment, but there are still many difficulties to be overcome. We need objective information to Give the favorable policy construction. In the past, there was rarely research for the characteristics of high crisis in domestic violence, so this study in addition to understand the current situation and trend by exploring through literature, as well as intimate relationship violence causes and characteristics, but also violence in intimate relationships through two counties to collect 441 high crisis, in order to explore the characteristics of high crisis in intimate relationships and subsequent violence at the event. Looking through this study, we could find out intimacy characteristic of high crisis of violence and provided the assist clearer understanding of the types of cases as a reference and evaluation of prevention. This study found that the service network performs high crisis intimacy quite effective prevention of violence, and also draw an important feature of the case, including the gender gap is very huge, the victims were female ratio as high as 95%; offender curb bad habits should still be the focus of high crisis intimate relationship violence prevention, as well as the perpetrators of psychological assistance; for the victims at the event to support the system if it can provide timely financial assistance, should be able to alleviate some of the high follow- up to the crisis intimate relationship violence but services in places providing legal assistance and the safety of the maintenance-based; high crisis intimacy at the event service should be family-centered, child within the family can not be ignored at the event service and services; there are differences in the future need to ponder other objects of different nationalities and different tube during the service content should be strengthened.
起訖頁 20-58
關鍵詞 親密關係暴力危險評估家庭暴力安全防護網intimate relationship violencerisk assessmentdomestic violence safety net
刊名 犯罪學期刊  
期數 201612 (19:1期)
出版單位 中華民國犯罪學學會
該期刊-上一篇 海峽兩岸暨香港、澳門警察處理家庭暴力的職責與角色比較
該期刊-下一篇 緊張因素、工作投入與飲酒態度對警察人員問題飲酒行為影響之結構方程模式檢定




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