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Intimate Partner Violence Against Adolescent Mothers in Taiwan
作者 林盈秀 (Ying-Shiou Lin)童伊迪鍾道詮
現今研究普遍集中於成年的親密關係暴力(intimate partnerviolence, IPV),對於未成年階段懷孕女性面對親密關係暴力的威脅與攻擊及所產生的影響所知甚少。本研究採質化研究的深度訪談法,立意取樣6 名於未成年階段懷孕的女性在親密關係中的受暴經驗,瞭解於未成年階段懷孕對女性造成的影響,以及背後隱藏的意義。研究結果發現,未成年階段懷孕女性遭受親密關係暴力的歷程與一般婦女的受暴經驗雖有相似,但仍有其特殊之處。歸納六個研究結論:透過懷孕來逃離受創的生命經驗、受於童年受暴經驗的無助解讀、社會文化層面的牽制、被弱化的自主權、環環相扣的無助感以及唯一的支持與矛盾的依靠。未成年階段懷孕女性受到內在因素:教育中斷、就業受限、資源機會較少等;以及外在因素:原生家庭影響、社會文化制約、停留暴力中等影響,使得她們隱匿受暴問題,停留在暴力關係的時間更長、更不易脫離。研究者根據研究發現,提出以突破未成年階段懷孕女性在受暴中的隱匿與烙印的研究反思﹔提醒實務工作者對於未成年階段懷孕女性服務需強化敏感度,透過早期介入,而是持續性投入服務,且非短期問題解決的模式處遇。
The Intimate Partner Violence (IPV) is increasing globally. Many studies related to IPV have their focuses on adult cases. These researches rarely discuss the effects of IPV on the young girls with teenage pregnancy. Thus, this research aims to study the IPV cases against adolescent mothers in Taiwan. Interviews with six adolescent mothers are conducted. They share their experiences of how they suffered from violence in intimate relationships. These interviewees are below 25 years old. The cases of bullying between adolescent mothers and young adult mothers are compared. 6 common characteristics are found and listed below: Use pregnancy as a mean to make up childhood domestic violence, strapped in their past experiences from their grown-up family, lack of self-determinations, stay helplessly in violence, feel helpless toward prolonged violence, and have only one hope - their offspring. The research on IPV can have be beneficial to social workers. This study helps these workers to better understand adolescent mothers who had suffered from IPV and thus to give them proper assistance.
起訖頁 51-79
關鍵詞 未成年階段懷孕女性親密關係暴力Adolescent MothersIntimate Partner Violence
刊名 臺灣社會工作學刊  
期數 201501 (15期)
出版單位 臺灣社會工作專業人員協會
該期刊-上一篇 重返社區之路:會所模式中的過渡性就業
該期刊-下一篇 「家事商談服務使用者的經驗探討」--以兒盟家事商談服務為例




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