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Suggestions for Taiwan's Independent Living Programs
作者 徐錦鋒
對於機構中的寄養少年來說,當他(她)離開機構後,因缺乏家庭支持,勢必提早或加快獨立的過程才能成功地過渡為社區中獨立的一份子。而且當他們離開機構之後,如果在外受到挫折時,也很難獲得家裏的支持。針對離開機構之寄養少年的離院照料問題,美國率先於1986年《社會安全法》第四章第五節中增列「寄養服務的自立生活」的規定;其後英國於2000年公布施行《兒童(離院照料)法案》,才確立該國的立法依據。至於我國則於1994年首先由臺北市政府社會局開始初辦《弱勢少年自立生活方案》,旋以兒童局於2008年推出《自立生活適應協助補助計畫》,民間機構也因政府的經費補助,相繼成立獨立宿舍、庇護工場等。但我國迄今仍無具體的法律規定,可做為執行的依據,亟待早日有法律依據可循。吾人有感於我國少年自立生活方案推展至今,仍呈現摸索階段,而且相關的研究也是寥寥無幾。為此,本文擬採文獻分析法(documentary analysis),除首先介紹美國、英國以及我國少年自立生活方案的緣起與發展,以及自立生活技巧訓練對復原力的重要性之外,特別介紹美國紐約州、加州、德州的自立生活方案內容,以及澳洲新南威爾斯州對整個自立生活方案的規劃與管理,冀望「他山之石,可以為錯」,並進而檢討我國的實施現況,以策勵來茲。是所至盼!
For foster care youths who leave facilities, the lack of family support would inevitably speed up their independent process, so as to successfully transit into being part of the community. While these youths leave facilities and face setbacks in the real world, it is not likely for them to receive family support. These foster care alumni are literally fighting lone battles.To better care for foster care youth alumni, America added ”foster care independent living” in 1986 to the Social Security Act, Chapter Four, Section Five. Later, the establishment of Children (Leaving Care) Act of 2000 served as the foundation for England's foster care youth alumni legislation. In 1994, Taiwan's first Disadvantaged Youth Independent Living Program was held by Taipei City Government Social Welfare Bureau. In 2008, Child Welfare Bureau carried out Independent Living Adaptation Assistance Program, the program allows private organizations to establish independent housings and shelters with the subsidy. However, there is not yet a concrete law that could be referred to in Taiwan.Owing to the fact that youth independent living program in Taiwan is still in its trail-and-error phase, and the fact that there are only few relative researches, the researcher adopted documentary analysis as the research method. The researcher would first introduce the origin of youth independent living program and the importance of independent living skill training is for resilience, at the same time, emphasizing on the programs from New York, California, Texas, and New South Wales in Australia. Furthermore, the researcher would review the present status in Taiwan and give suggestions for future implementations.
起訖頁 47-96
關鍵詞 自立生活少年自立生活方案自立生活技巧訓練離院照料寄養照料追蹤輔導youth independent living programleaving careindependent livingfoster careafter careindependent living skills training
刊名 臺灣社會工作學刊  
期數 201207 (10期)
出版單位 臺灣社會工作專業人員協會
該期刊-上一篇 專業主義 v.s. 管理主義:英國社會工作歷史的檢視
該期刊-下一篇 反思與實踐——連結多元文化的社會工作教育




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