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The Professional Development and Crisis in Psychiatric Social Work in Taiwan
作者 張如杏
In 1950s the modern psychiatry and psychiatric social work were almost established at the same time in Taiwan. The social work was first adopted by psychiatric system as the professional. The psychiatric teams provide the comprehensive service for improving the mental health of the Taiwanese.This article will discuss the development of the psychiatric social work and psychiatric team. What are the professional and the process of the professionalization in the psychiatric? The psychiatric social workers are defined as medical administrative staffs, which are providing both administrative and professional service. The mental health policy by the government was separate and custodial before 1900. There is expanding need for social workers after enactment of Mental Health Act and related acts on social welfare in 1990's. The professional developmental were flourish in psychiatric teams.National Health Insurance (NHI) is changing the medical system. However, due to the facts that, psychiatric social worker, the service charge is low and limited, the manpower to number of hospital beds is too high, and half of social workers aren't licensed, the development of professional psychiatric social work in the future is troublesome.In the meanwhile, the high thresholds in the license test were impact the social work identification. The author suggest: Psychiatric social work must emphasis the professional role and establish the psychiatric social work license, to establish the accountability and evidence-based service, to involve the policy advocacy.
起訖頁 119-145
關鍵詞 精神醫療社會工作專業化專業發展專業危機psychiatric social workprofessionalizationprofessional developmentprofessional crisis
刊名 臺灣社會工作學刊  
期數 200901 (6期)
出版單位 臺灣社會工作專業人員協會
該期刊-上一篇 保護性業務一線社會工作者職場暴力之初探:權力的觀點
該期刊-下一篇 原住民社會工作之反思




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