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Social Work in Special Education-A Case of Taipei County
作者 張如杏
學校社會工作是運用社會工作的理論與方法,進行預防性介入,增強學生的學習表現,強調家長參與,保障學生權益,以生態取向評估問題,進行對家庭、學校、社區的服務(Freeman,1995)。台灣學校社會工作,服務內容偏傳統臨床模式,服務對象以中輟生或各類社會問題為主,以試辦業務方式,缺少對於特殊教育的參與。障礙兒童的教育權到20世紀後半階段才漸受重視,1975年美國全體障礙兒童教育法案(Education for All Handicapped Children Act. P.L. 94-142)規定特殊教育是針對身心障礙學生所提供免費適當的公立教育(Free and Appropriate Public Education, FAPE)及相關服務(relative Services),透過該法規定,社會工作師成為教育體系中的專業人員。我國特教法(民86)修正,「專業人員」或「專業團隊」均包括「社會工作師」,規定專業服務為特教服務項目,台北縣學校社會工作與特殊教育的專業服務,推動時間接近,但是學校社工師對身心障礙個案或家庭介入,只有零星個案,缺乏對特殊教育整體性參與,及建置特教體系的社工工作模式。本文內容包括:探討學校社會工作與特殊教育的發展,並以台北縣發展為例,從實務經驗與相關法規的規定,建構社工專業在特教體系的發展架構。
School social work use the theories and methods to practice in the educational system, enhance the students' learning performance, to emphasize the family involvement, and protect the educational right of all students. School social work emphasizes an ecological perspective and philosophy, to link the needs and the resources.In Taiwan, school social work is maintaining the traditional social work model, to work with the truancy and recover the social problems. The program of school social work is provisional, lack of involvement in special education service.The educational right in disability students were ignored until 1950s later, the PL94-142 was adopted in 1975, it defined the educational right in disability children and family, including the free and appropriate public education (FAPE) and related services. It is including social work service and rehabilitation.It dictates ”professional personnel” and professional team, including social work service in Special Education Law in Taiwan.. The school social workers lack of involvement for the disabilities students' education services in Taipei County. This paper is review the development of social work in the education system, to establish the model and the structure of social work in the special education.
起訖頁 191-222
關鍵詞 特殊教育學校社會工作專業服務合作模式個案管理special educationschool social workprofessional teamcollaborative modelpolicy-makingcase management
刊名 臺灣社會工作學刊  
期數 200601 (5期)
出版單位 臺灣社會工作專業人員協會
該期刊-上一篇 早產兒媽媽參與志願服務經驗初探




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