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The Analysis on the Process of Coping with Conflicts-Taking the Medical Social Workers Participating in Medical Team for Example
作者 黃俐婷
Owing to the enactment of National Health Insurance Act, the roles of medical social workers have transformed the helping of economical problem in the past into the multiple roles recently, especially the roles of participating in the medical team. However, the participating process of medical social workers even has inevitable conflicts. Such conflicts include of the value conflict resulting from the different professional background, the duplicated role problem with other medical members, and even the professional unrecognized. Nowadays, most of the articles focus on the study of roles expectation of medical social workers, but the theme of the process of coping with conflicts rarely presents. Hence, the purpose of the study is to understand the process of coping with conflicts of medical social workers participating in medical team. The study is to apply the theory of conflict coping process as the study structure. First, the communication styles and the structural factors are major causes resulting in team conflict. Second, the five conflict-handlings include collaboration, compromise, accommodation, competition and avoidance. Finally, the study attempts to make the suggestions about the conflict prevention stage and the conflict coping stage.
起訖頁 159-183
關鍵詞 醫務社會工作者醫療團隊衝突處理Medical Social WorkerMedical TeamConflict Coping
刊名 臺灣社會工作學刊  
期數 200407 (2期)
出版單位 臺灣社會工作專業人員協會
該期刊-上一篇 中途障礙社會模式介入與生活重建服務整合--伊甸、新事暨陽光服務方案為例




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