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Auspicious and Taboo Days Associated with the Six Domestic Animals in the R i s h u
作者 白品鍵
This article begins by discussing how the Six Domestic Animals are connected with the Five Elements in the extant traditional texts. It then analyzes what the auspicious and taboo days associated with the Six Domestic Animals listed in the Rishu 日書 reveal about the qualities of the Five Elements and the principles by which they were selected. According to these traditional texts, the relationships between the Six Domestic Animals and the Five Elements are not fixed: the elements associated with the animals can change depending on the circumstances. Despite the fact that a number of areas of the extant text relating to these auspicious and taboo days are indecipherable, some selection principles can still be ascertained that allow us to infer the content of the partially damaged bamboo slips. Viewed as a whole, the auspicious and taboo days of the Six Domestic Animals in the Rishu do not appear at random, and there is still much to explore and discover about their original divination principles.
起訖頁 1-34
關鍵詞 日書六畜數術諸良日畜忌五行RishuSix Domestic AnimalsdivinationZhu-liang RiChu-jiFive Elements
刊名 漢學研究  
期數 201612 (34:4期)
出版單位 漢學研究中心
該期刊-下一篇 鄭思肖《太極祭鍊內法》研究——在法師身中完成的濟度儀式




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