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Concerning the Zhong Shangfang in the Han Dynasty
作者 陸德富
During the Han dynasty, both the Shangfang and the Zhong shangfang 尚方/中尚方 (Directorate of Imperial Manufactories) were subordinate to the Shaofu 少府 (Chamberlain for the Palace Revenues). Many past scholars believed the Zhong shangfang to be a branch office of the Shangfang, where in fact they were one and the same department: owing to its location in the jinzhong 禁中 (imperial residence), the Shangfang was also known as the Zhong shangfang 中尚方 . The Shangfang located outside the imperial residence referred to in some historical documents were in fact workshops operating under the direction of the Zhong shangfang. Similarly, institutions such as the Yufu 御府 (Palace Wardrobe), Cangfu 藏府 (Storehouse) and Chefu 車府 (Livery Office), all had alternative names prefixed by zhong 中 because they were based in the imperial palace. Lang 郎 (Court Gentlemen) who worked in the palace are referred to in historical documents as Zhonglang 中郎 (Inner Court Gentlemen), so we can infer that Qin dynasty Chengxiang 丞相 (Counselor-in-Chief) Zhao Gao 趙高 is sometimes referred to as Zhong chengxiang 中丞相 also because he worked in the imperial residence. The Zhong shaofu 中少府 (Chamberlain for the Palace Revenues) and Zhong taipu 中太僕 (Chamberlain for the Palace Stables) were officials under the command of the empress dowager in the Han dynasty, meaning that zhong could also therefore refer to the empress dowager’s residence.
起訖頁 255-283
關鍵詞 漢代中尚方中丞相中少府中太僕Han dynastyZhong shangfangZhong chengxiangZhong shaofuZhong taipu
刊名 漢學研究  
期數 201609 (34:3期)
出版單位 漢學研究中心
該期刊-上一篇 宋代討論嶺南瘴病治療的文本及其書寫策略
該期刊-下一篇 一山還一水,無國又無家——文天祥海洋詩歌文化意涵探析




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