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The Body as a Source of Division: Catholicism, the Heart, and the Brain in the Early Qing
作者 祝平一
This paper examines the early Qing debate over whether the heart or the brain is the “hegemonic organ,” to use the Galenic concept. The hegemonic organ refers to the organ that dominates the actions of the body, and in the context of European natural philosophy is said to be the location of the soul. Prior to the seventeenth century, there was a long-running debate between encephalocentrism and cardiocentrism in European medicine, natural philosophy, and theology. The Catholic missionaries who arrived in China in the late sixteenth century unanimously held that the soul was located in the heart, a view similar to that in Chinese medical and philosophical traditions, which regarded the heart as the “king” of all organs. Chinese literati, however, were suspicious of the association between Christianity and the anatomical concept of the brain. Anti-Christian literati took advantage of this to attack Christianity by associating the Western theory of mind with early Qing heterodox cults. To vindicate their religion, missionaries and Chinese Christians quickly responded by appealing to the Aristotelian idea of the heart as the hegemonic organ. Nevertheless, both anti-Christian literati and the Chinese converts alike recognized that anatomical knowledge was not just a medical issue, but also a religious one. The debate over which organ controls the body and soul was one which caused division in society, and one through which people articulated their affinity towards or opposition to the European Others and their religion.
起訖頁 119-159
關鍵詞 醫學傳教士朱方旦heartbrainmedicineJesuitsZhu Fangdan
刊名 漢學研究  
期數 201609 (34:3期)
出版單位 漢學研究中心
該期刊-上一篇 丹溪補陰丸——明代的身體、藥方與性別
該期刊-下一篇 「阿勃參」與「拔爾撒摩」——中外藥物交流的長時段考察例證




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