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Yuan Dynasty Temples of the Three Progenitors and the Development of Chinese Medicine during the Song, Jin, and Yuan
作者 范家偉
In his book, Diwang shiji (帝王世紀 Record of Emperors and Kings), Huangfu Mi 皇甫謐 designates three founders of Chinese medicine, Fuxi 伏 羲, Shennong 神農, and Huangdi 黃帝, as the “Three Progenitors 三皇.” By the Yuan dynasty, the imperial court advocated the establishment of temples of the Three Progenitors in every locality. The teaching of medicine was combined with this system of temples, forming a characteristic feature of Yuan dynasty medical education. Scholars have analyzed both the evolving identities of the Three Progenitors and the Yuan dynasty debate over physicians’ monopoly of Three Progenitors sacrifices. Nevertheless, two questions have yet to be thoroughly resolved: First, what was the intention behind the Yuan imperial court’s establishment of temples of the Three Progenitors? Second, what kind of medical knowledge was propagated at these temples? This article argues that there was a close relationship between the initial establishment of sacrifices to the Three Progenitors by the Yuan court and the pursuit of the legitimization of Yuan rule by Confucian scholars, who regarded the Three Progenitors as the beginning of dynastic legitimacy. The Jin dynasty physician Liu Wansu 劉完素 venerated Fuxi as the originator of the Theory of Qi Movement 運氣學說, and the Sanfen 三墳 texts, left behind by the Three Progenitors, as the original source of Chinese medical knowledge. This article explores how Yuan physicians continued the theories of Jin physicians and examines why Fuxi was venerated as one of the founders of Chinese medicine. This enables us to comprehend the interrelationships between the Yuan court’s adoption of the Shengji zonglu ( 聖 濟 總 錄 General Record of Sagely Вenefaction), its popularization of the Theory of Qi Movement, and the temples of the Three Progenitors.
起訖頁 53-87
關鍵詞 元代三皇三皇廟伏羲聖濟總錄Yuan dynastyThree ProgenitorsTemple of the Three ProgenitorsFuxiShengji zonglu
刊名 漢學研究  
期數 201609 (34:3期)
出版單位 漢學研究中心
該期刊-上一篇 食物、妖術與蠱毒——宋元明「挑生」形象的流變
該期刊-下一篇 丹溪補陰丸——明代的身體、藥方與性別




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