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The “Seven Bronzes of Liangshan” and the Zhou Dynasty Imperial Inspection Tours
作者 陳絜
The place name Yu 榆 in the inscription on the Dabao gui (簋 bronze food vessel) actually refers to the hunting ground of Yu referred to in late Shang oracle inscriptions connected with hunting. This territory once belonged to Xiaochenyu 小臣俞, a courtier of King Zhou of the Shang dynasty, but following the suppression of Luzisheng’s rebellion in the early Zhou dynasty, was annexed into the private territory of Duke Shao 召公奭, roughly located in present day Gouyuting 句窳亭 in Feicheng County 肥城縣, Shandong Province. The “Seven Bronzes of Liangshan” were therefore really excavated at a location somewhere near Feicheng, north of Liangshan 梁山. The territory of Yu at the foot of Taishan 泰山 belonging to the Shao clan of the state of Yan was similar in nature to that of Bengtian 祊田 in the state of Zheng 鄭 and the “eastern capital of Xiangtu” of the state of Wei 衛, which were places for ritual purifiation used by the eastern states to assist the Zhou kings when they made sacrifies to Taishan 泰山. The establishment of such places was associated with the king’s inspection tours of the eastern territory. These tours of the whole kingdom were not, however, completely in accordance with the rites. As far as can be seen from extant records, kings Cheng 成, Kang 康 and Mu 穆 of the Western Zhou dynasty were the only kings who actually toured and inspected the eastern territory.
起訖頁 1-26
關鍵詞 梁山七器巡狩制度湯沐邑商周地理Seven Bronzes of Liangshanimperial inspection tourritual purifiation groundShang and Zhou geographyYu
刊名 漢學研究  
期數 201603 (34:1期)
出版單位 漢學研究中心
該期刊-下一篇 話語招魂術裏的雙重性格——揚雄之書寫模式及其經典觀析探




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