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Warfarin 與人參交互作用之探析
Analysis on the Interaction of Warfarin and Ginseng
作者 蔡成輝盧佳怡
目前中草藥正風靡全球,然而其與醫師處方用藥併用後所產生的交互作用卻令人擔憂,這個議題對身為醫療人員而言應當嚴肅且認真來面對。Warfarin是一種口服抗凝血劑,經常在心血管系統發生異常凝血時被醫師處方使用,因此被譽為血液稀釋劑“blood thinners”,不幸地是warfarin會與許多藥物、甚至食物發生交互作用而影響其藥效。本文所要探討的為warfarin與人參併用後交互作用情形,另外我們也試圖分析warfarin與人參併用後在凝血機能異常病患和健康受試者間是否存在差異性,以及對不同基源的人參與warfarin併用後之結果。我們希望經由本文的探析能提供醫療人員亦或是一般民眾,在發生warfarin與人參併用時之評估參考。
The Chinese herbal medicine is sweeping the whole world at present. But people are worry about the interaction of herb and the prescription of doctor. The medical personnel should be serious for facing this topic. The warfarin is an oral anti-coagulant. It is often used prescribed by doctor when the abnormal blood coagulation is occurred in the cardiovascular system. So, it is called as the blood thinner. Unfortunately, the warfarin often interacts with many medicines even foods, so its drug effect is often influenced. This paper will discuss the interaction of warfarin and ginseng. In addition, we will analyze if there is any difference for the application of warfarin and ginseng among the patients with abnormal blood coagulant and healthy subjects, and the result for joint use of different ginseng and warfarin. We hope the analysis result of this study can be used by the medical personnel or general people.
起訖頁 98-109
關鍵詞 香豆素類抗凝血人參中藥藥物交互作用fragrant plain beananticoagulationginsengChinese medicinemedicine interaction
刊名 北市中醫會刊  
期數 200903 (15:1期)
出版單位 臺北市中醫師公會
該期刊-上一篇 產後痔瘡的中醫論治
該期刊-下一篇 西醫見習心得




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