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Study on Postpartum Medical Care of Fu Qing Zhu Gynecology
作者 陳世峰葉家豪 (Chia-Hao Yeh)
Fu Qing Zhu used big supplement of qi and blood for the postpartum treatment mainly. Too cold and too hot medicines were seldom used. The Sheng Hua Tang is often used for the treatment. It shows physiological and pathological characteristics of postpartum woman, such as more insufficiency, cold and silt. There are many journal reports of Fu Qing Zhu, but most of them are concentrated in leucorrhea, vaginal bleeding, regulating menstruation, seeding, and preventing miscarriage. As for the postpartum medicines of Fu Qing Zhu, most researches relates to Sheng Hua Tang. So this paper refers to Fu Qing Zhu Zhu Gynecology revised by Lu Mao-Shou to conduct the study. The postpartum medicines described in 12 Chapters of 'Fu Qing Zhu Gynecology' are discussed. It shows except the Sheng Hua Tang, the other medicines are quite useful clinically, which are worthy for further study. The ginseng, angelica sinensis, rehmannia lutea, atractylis lancea are often used. They are discussed to understand the Fu Qing Zhu's medicine utilization concept of big supplement of qi and blood. The formula and dosage of postpartum medicine specified in 'Fu Qing Zhu Gynecology' can be used as the treatment model of all postpartum diseases, which can get the curative effect without injuring the mother's body.
起訖頁 50-66
關鍵詞 傅青主產後人參當歸白朮熟地Fu Qing Zhupostpartumginsengangelica sinensisrehmannia luteaatractylis lancea
刊名 北市中醫會刊  
期數 200903 (15:1期)
出版單位 臺北市中醫師公會
該期刊-上一篇 睡眠障礙針灸療法的實證研究
該期刊-下一篇 中西醫對妊娠紋的認知




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