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Problems of Trade Ceramics Excavated at the Edo site in the 17th century
作者 高島裕之
The 34^(th) workshop of "THE STUDIES ORIENTAL TRADE CERAMICS "was held in 2013. The theme was about "early modern city Edo excavated trade ceramics". Dr.Hideki Horiuchi was assembled about trade ceramics that have been published in the archaeological survey report. I was also responsible for the part of that. The producting areas of trade ceramics were China, Korea, Ryukyu, Southeast Asia and Europe. The number of assembled ceramics were 4,650. Edo Shogunate was opened in the 17 century, commanded by Shogun(将軍) as top of people, and was base place for Daimyo(大名). Half of popuration was Samurai(武士). They were the most of the owner of trade ceramics. Daimyo Yashiki(大名屋敷)was the stage of the Samurai of activities. I first organize the aspects of trade ceramics using Samurai. Japan porcelain (Arita porcelain) was popular instead of China porcelain as the tool in the mid 17th century, because affected by change of the Chinese dynasty. So I will also mention technology exchange in china and Japan from each of fabrication technology observation.
起訖頁 73-111
關鍵詞 中國龍泉窯中國景德鎮窯日本肥前窯(有田窯)製作技術Chinese Lonquan kilnChinese Jingdezhen kilnJapanese Hizen kiln(Arita kiln)manufactural technice
刊名 南藝學報  
期數 201606 (12期)
出版單位 國立臺南藝術大學
該期刊-上一篇 臺灣出土十七世紀中晚期日本肥前窯瓷器與其意義
該期刊-下一篇 日本出土十七世紀至十九世紀的貿易陶瓷




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