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Using the Church Resources Constructing the Aging in Place Long-term Care Service Model in Remote Area-- A Case Study of St. Mary's Hospital
作者 陳良娟
臺灣將從「高齡化社會」邁入「高齡社會」,如何維護高齡生活的品質與尊嚴,訂定健全的社會福利和健康政策,已是全民刻不容緩的挑戰,「長期照護」也自然成為當今社會最被關注的議題。「在地老化」是世界潮流也是臺灣的長輩們所喜愛的方式,落實在地老化並非易事,尤其,在地化的人力培育、推估與規劃必須貼近長照需求的地方性特質。位於臺灣東部的臺東,地理位置與臺灣的政經中心相對偏遠,人口只有22 萬餘人,不到全臺灣人口的百分之一,人口密度是全臺最低的;加上種族最多、語言隔閡,要推動長期照護在地化的困難度更高。然臺東天主教會在偏鄉分布得很廣,幾乎一村一教堂,且許多教友組織會主動提供社會關懷服務工作;因此,臺東聖母醫院發展了一套結合當地天主教會資源的長照服務模式,設置部落健康廚房、健康活力站,提供社區共餐、健康促進、預防照護、居家服務、日間照顧、家庭托顧及送餐服務等多元連續性服務。本文分享這樣服務模式的理念與運作方法,提供有心致力偏鄉部落長期照顧服務發展者之參考。
From "aging to aged society" and the long-term care of elder policy is the most concerned issue in Taiwan today. It is an urgent task here is how to maintain the quality of life and the dignity of the elder, and also to set up a sound social welfare and health policies. "Aging in place" is the trend of the world and is the favorite way of the elders of Taiwan, but it is not easy to push forward. The localization of manpower training, source estimation and assignment planning must be related to the long-term needs of the local characteristics. Taitung is located in eastern Taiwan, is relatively remote on the geographical position, political and economic center of Taiwan. The population is only about 220 thousand people, less than 1/100 of Taiwan's population, is the lowest population density area in Taiwan. Different tribal culture and language barrier of aborigine make more difficulty in the localization of long-term care. Fortunately, the Catholic Church is a popular place in the countryside of Taitung, almost one village one church, and many religious organizations already provide social care services. Taitung St. Mary's Hospital has developed a combination model with local Catholic resources and long-term care service. Set up "tribal health kitchen", "health and vitality station", providing "community sharing meals", "health promotion", "preventive care", "home care services", "day care", "family care", "meal delivering service" and other diversified continued service as rural tribal long-term care system. This article shares the concept and operation of such a service model and provides a reference for developers who are committed to long-term care for tribal long-term care.
起訖頁 229-235
關鍵詞 偏鄉長期照護服務天主教教會教會資源rural triballong term careCatholic ChurchChurch Resources
刊名 長期照護雜誌  
期數 201612 (20:3期)
出版單位 社團法人台灣長期照護專業協會
該期刊-上一篇 從大安溪部落共同廚房的在地實踐反思文化照顧
該期刊-下一篇 外籍勞工來源對長期照護的影響與對策




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