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Together Again: A Rationality, Art and Spirituality Integrated Perspective in Social Work
作者 林木筆
以理性為主導的社會工作模式容易誤導社會工作者抱持偏狹的理性邏輯,擱置創意與想像,壓抑人對心靈、意義與價值的嚮往。一個有效的社會工作觀點必須建立在正確人觀的基礎上,也就是把人當成是一個由理性、藝術與靈性共同存在的整體。嘗試將藝術或靈性運用於社會工作中的討論不乏其人,然而將理性、藝術與靈性同時放在一個架構,有系統性的建構則仍然缺乏。本文將這三者整合在社會工作實務理念中,提出一個可能的社會工作觀點:柔思社會工作,取其英語RASI(Rationality, Art and Spirituality Integrated Practice)的諧音。柔思不是棄絕理性的價值與重要性,而是強調社會工作必須將其與藝術及靈性視為各自為體,但又相互為用的重要。柔思社會工作觀點包括對需求理論的檢視,強調人的創造力與追求意義與價值的本質,以靈性遭遇及欣賞式的相互探索作為評估的基礎。本文認為,如此的觀點為一個充滿彈性、個別化、貼近人本質,以及多元介入的實務帶來新的契機。
This article charges that current social work profession has embraced a narrowly defined and destructive rationality, and that art and spirituality are neglected and largely excluded from its construction. It suggests that an effective social work perspective must faithfully reflect human being as a rationality-art-spirituality totality. The author presents a social work perspective by bringing together rationality, art and spirituality into one conceptual and practice framework. It is entitled 'Rou-Si' in Chinese language - denoting 'tender rationality', indicating a rationality that is 'tendered' by art and spirituality. The term is taken from the homonym of 'RASI'- Rationality, Art, and Spirituality Integrated Practice. It is postulated that need identification is to focus on human creativity and meaning seeking; and that spiritual encountering and mutual appreciative exploration are foundation to assessment. A multi-faceted intervention approach shall necessitate itself based on the basic assumptions and principles of this proposed social work practice perspective.
起訖頁 227-259
關鍵詞 理性藝術靈性社會工作觀點柔思觀點rationalityartspiritualityintegrated practice
刊名 社會政策與社會工作學刊  
期數 201612 (20:2期)
出版單位 臺灣社會政策學會
該期刊-上一篇 轉變中的社區發展:臺灣社區發展政策之歷史制度論分析




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