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Bringing the Family Back in: The Political Economy of Family in Taiwan and Hong Kong
作者 劉香蘭張玉芳
The purpose of this paper is taking the perspective of political economy to explore the family in Taiwan and Hong Kong from the 1980s to the present days, with a special focus on the divisions of care responsibilities among family, market and state, that are heated by the care crisis of low fertility, demographic ageing, extended life expectancy and the change of female roles. The authors argue that we should bring the family back in the historical context and embed it in a political economic structure. Due to traditional disciples of social sciences, the family has been long a missing part in the studies of political science, economics, and political economy, while studies on family also neglect the characteristics of political economy. As we trace back and embed the family in these areas from the process of social development, we clearly find family's dual kinds of nature of economic production and political stability. Following the reorganization of family, market and state imposed by demographic shift, industrial transformation and changing female roles, we will need an analysis of political economy that is helpful to examine the family in the dynamic and complicated historical and structural contexts. Then, the importance of family, as the primary group of human beings, can be rediscovered and recognized for fostering the capabilities and wellbeings of the family.
起訖頁 207-245
關鍵詞 政治經濟學國家機器照顧危機社會科學區隔化家庭political economystate apparatuscare crisisdisciples of social sciencesfamily
刊名 社會政策與社會工作學刊  
期數 201606 (20:1期)
出版單位 臺灣社會政策學會
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