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A Study on Dispersion Measures for Core Vocabulary Compilation
作者 白明弘吳鑑城簡盈妮黃淑齡
plication scenario. In natural language, the number of core vocabulary is relatively small, the core vocabulary, however, plays an important part in language learning because it constitutes a major part of communication content. The traditional core vocabulary selection method is mainly based on the expert knowledge and rule of experience. With the rise of corpus linguistics, word frequency and dispersion uniformity provide objective statistical data to assist the selection of core vocabulary. In this paper, we propose a formula that integrates multi-dimensional uniformity , so that the estimation of word uniformity can take different classification dimensions into account. Secondly, we also propose a method of word frequency normalization for the problem of deviation of the traditional method. For evaluation, a method of evaluating the core vocabulary with a heterogeneous corpus is proposed and it can compare the advantages, disadvantages, and characteristics of various statistical formulas. In the results, we actually compare the different core vocabulary selection formulas, analyzed the characteristics of different formulas, and verified the word frequency normalization can correct the shortcomings of the traditional formula. Finally, we also verified that the proposed method which integrates multi-dimensional uniformity can pick out the vocabulary with more core characteristics.
起訖頁 1-17
關鍵詞 語料庫語言學核心詞彙邊緣詞彙分布均勻度Corpus LinguisticsCore VocabularyFringe VocabularyDispersion Uniformity
刊名 中文計算語言學期刊  
期數 201612 (21:2期)
出版單位 中華民國計算語言學學會
該期刊-下一篇 N-best Rescoring for Parsing Based on Dependency-Based Word Embeddings




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