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The investigation of technological and vocatioinal college students' satisfaction toward acquisition process of professional certificates by using critical incident technique
作者 陳怡靜胡學誠莊煥銘
近年來專業證照已成為企業招聘員工與加薪晉級的指標,亦是學生專業能力的證明 與進修加分的參考。在教育部政策與產官學界的推波助瀾之下,國內各技職校院亦提出 多種獎勵與輔導機制,積極協助學生取得各式專業證照,讓現階段的技職校院學生必須 面對專業認證這股勢不可擋的潮流。基於專業證照對學校與學生的普遍需求與重要性, 證照相關機構均希望能將專業證照取得過程中的種種事宜做到盡善盡美。唯有深入瞭解 造成學生在考照過程中感受滿意或不滿意的關鍵事件並分析其造成因素,才能去蕪存菁 對證照取得的流程進行優化。因此,本研究以身為考照者的技職校院學生做為研究對 象,透過關鍵事件技術,採立意抽樣方式,針對中部某技專校院資訊相關科系曾參與 TQC(中華民國電腦技能基金會)Word 2003、PowerPoint 2003、Dreamweaver CS4 及 Flash 8 進階級認證且有意願受訪的在學學生進行訪談,蒐集在專業認證取得的過程中, 造成考生特別滿意與特別不滿意的關鍵事件。訪談共蒐集滿意關鍵事件87 件及不滿意 關鍵事件91 件,再依據其屬性予以分類排序並探究其影響原因。從研究結果發現,在 滿意事件方面,共可分成八類,其中「人員態度」、「考照教導」及「自我肯定」分居前 三大滿意的主因;而在不滿意事件方面亦可分為八類,以「軟硬體設備」與「人員態度」 為前兩大主因,其中「自我因素」與「考場環境」並列第三。此外,在滿意與不滿意的 關鍵事件中,有五項分類屬性一致,故予以相同命名,最後再依據各分類結果提出實務 建議。希冀本研究可供專業認證主辦單位及技職校院做為改善證照取得流程及強化服務 品質的參考。
More and more enterprises use the possession of professional certificates as criterion for recruiting and promoting their employees. Many domestic universities urge students to acquire professional certificates that indicate mastery of knowledge and skills in subject domains, so that their graduates can show not only diplomas, but also competitiveness and readiness for entering stiff job markets. In view of the mainstream towards pursuing professional certificates as well as significance of certificates, certificate-issuing organizations and supportive institutes should focus on how to ameliorate the process of acquiring professional certificates. Consequently, this research tried to gain insights into students satisfaction toward the acquisition process of professional certificates that they tried to pursue. The research applied critical incident technique (CIT) to obtain students' impression about the most satisfactory and dissatisfactory incidents that occurred during the course of registering, preparing, taking, and post-processing certificate examinations. Participants who had tried to pursue computer-related professional certificates were recruited from a college in central Taiwan. There were 87 satisfactory incidents and 91 dissatisfactory incidents reported during the interview with participants. The findings indicated that the most satisfactory incidents could be clustered into eight categories, and the top three are 'attitude of staff', 'hardware/software', and 'pre-exam instruction'. Regarding the most dissatisfactory incident, there are eight categories as well, and the top three are 'attitude of staff', 'hardware/software', and 'pre-exam instruction'. Five similar categories were identified in both the most satisfactory and dissatisfactory incidents. Hopefully, the outcome of this research work can help certificate-issuing organizations, educational institutes, and instructors to improve their service process and quality.
起訖頁 001-024
關鍵詞 專業認證關鍵事件技術關鍵事件professional certificatescritical incident techniquecritical incident
刊名 技職教育期刊  
期數 201312 (8期)
出版單位 國立彰化師範大學工業教育與技術學系
該期刊-下一篇 應用概念圖策略融入化學平衡探討技職生概念和數的學習成效




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