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Application of Regression Tree in Emergency Room to Predict the Stock
作者 陳錦杏蔡玲真金榮義呂彥陞陳冬蓮
Insufficient stock of medical material will reduce the quality of medical, and too much material stock will induce the cost burden of hospital. In this study, we investigated the storages of sterilized material in emergency room for a central section hospital in Taiwan. We analyzed the medical records of emergency patients in this hospital, and hoped to find a material usage rule to predict sterilized material storage by the fields of ICD-9, injured progression, air temperature, humidity, etc. and then to achieve effective material management in emergency room of hospital. Therefore, in this research, we addressed critical factors ICD-9, injured progression, holiday/non holiday, air temperature, humidity and applied algorithm of data mining technology to analyze and find the factors which affected the sterilized materials consumption. Cosidering the ease of use, ease of understanding, and ease of adapting for the whole model, we chose classification and regression tree(CART) to construct predicting model tree for every material item by seasons to precede the stock of sterilized material prediction. The explored results are much critical and helpful to predict and manage the storage of sterilized materials for the hospital in emergency room.
起訖頁 218-235
關鍵詞 衛材存量資料探勘決策樹迴歸二進樹sterilized material storagesdata miningdecision treeclassification and regression tree(CART)
刊名 健康管理學刊  
期數 201112 (9:2期)
出版單位 臺灣健康管理學會
該期刊-上一篇 摻氮二氧化鈦在可見光下分解氣相丙酮
該期刊-下一篇 2000-2007年台灣地區事故傷害中主要損傷及其外在因素之健保住院費用分析




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